The Most Important Thing That's Probably Missing From Your Backyard

A Complete Natural Pharmacy in your Backyard

You can easily go and pick the remedy you need at any time.

From Seeds to Remedies

How to turn plants into tinctures, ointments, salves, poultices, decoctions, infusions, essential oils and more!

A Complete Natural Pharmacy in Your Backyard

I made this Medicinal Garden Kit because I wanted to empower other people to take their health into their own hands.

I think everyone should have a medicinal garden in their backyard. This way you can easily go and pick the remedy you need at any time. Your backyard pharmacy will be there for you even in times of crisis when pharmacies might be closed or looted.

Imagine stepping into your backyard and looking at your new colorful medicinal garden. Your backyard will smell of fresh lavender and chamomile.

You can pick any of these medicinal plants and turn it into the remedy you need.

I’ve gathered all the seeds for 10 herbs, inside the Medicinal Garden Kit. All these seeds have been handpicked from the very best plants, as I wanted nothing less than premium quality seeds.

With your seeds kit, you’ll also receive a FREE copy of Herbal Medicinal Guide: From Seeds to Remedies.

This guide will show you how to turn these 10 plants into tinctures, ointments, salves, poultices, decoctions, infusions, essential oils — all in minute detail so you can follow our guide even if you’ve never made an herbal medicine in your life.

What You'll Find in Your Medicinal Garden Kit

If you want to treat yourself naturally, than this is the medicinal garden kit you want to have in your backyard:


About Nicole Apelian, Ph.d

I am a mother, an herbalist, a survival skills instructor, and a biologist. I graduated with a degree in Biology from McGill University and further developed my herbal skills in the desert of Kalahari. I lived there for years with one of the oldest cultures on Earth, the San Bushmen. Many San still live off what the land provides in terms of food and medicine, and many of them live well to a ripe old age without ever taking pills or seeing the inside of a hospital.

The 10 Medicinal Plants You'll Have in Your Backyard:



The root is rich in chicoric acid (CA), a plant compound with potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties but no risk of addiction.


A quick and reliable way to stop a wound from bleeding and help prevent infection. A yarrow tincture, when applied to your skin, acts as a natural and effective way to repel mosquitos and other insects.


You can make your own Sleep Tea from this plant. California poppy helps support a restorative, deep sleep, staying asleep for at least eight hours each night.


Its leaves and root are antibacterial, and most importantly, they contain a sap-like substance called mucilage. As the marshmallow mucilage goes down through your digestive tract, it will coat your stomach, intestines, and colon with an additional protective layer, soothing inflammation it finds along the way.


It’s very soothing, and it helps relax your digestive muscles. You can also use this plant to make your own chamomile oil, which is still probably one of the best natural skin remedies out there.


This plant contains two substances our skin needs but cannot produce on its own (gamma-linolenic acid and linolenic acid). They’re also very important for the membranes of nerve cells and helps to balance out hormone levels.


A recent double-blind study concluded that lavender oil cuts down anxiety to the same extent as taking a 0.5 mg daily dose of Lorazepam, a popular anxiety drug.


When it comes to our health, the immune system is king. A strong one might save you even if you’re very sick and have no medicines available. There’s no better plant for taking care of your immune system than echinacea.


A calendula salve speeds up healing and minimize scarring for wounds, scrapes, cuts, sores, burns, and scalds and to deal with all manner of rashes or insect bites.


With feverfew in your backyard, you’ll always have a way to deal with a cold, lower a fever, or fight off migraines. This plant is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and people have used it to deal with inflamed and painful joints.



(+$4.99 shipping & handling)


O inseticida Safe Plants® é um poderoso protocolo eliminador de insetos em suas plantas.
Com sua ação sistêmica e de contato, o Safe Plants® elimina o inseto que ataca sua planta em até 15 minutos e sua ação na planta permanece ativa pelos próximos 10 dias.
Acabando de vez com o ciclo do inseto que pode ter deixado ovos na sua produção ou jardim.

A fórmula do Safe Plants® atua como um secante para os insetos e ainda com um inibidor de um novo ataque a sua produção nos próximos dez dias após sua aplicação.
Lista de insetos que Safe Plants® Combate:
• Orthezia praelonga (Cochonilha)
• Pinnaspis aspidistrae (Cochonilha escama farinha)
• Selenaspidus articulatus (Cochonilha pardinha)
• Chrysomphalus ficus (Cochonilha cabeça de prego)
• Coccus viridis (Cochonilha verde)
• Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cochonilha do abacaxi)
• Bemisia tabaci raça B (Mosca branca)
• Aphis gossypii (Pulgão do algodoeiro)
• Dactynotus sonchi (Pulgão da alface)
• Myzus persicae (Pulgão verde)
• Brevicoryne brassicae (Pulgão da couve)
• Toxoptera citricida (Pulgão preto dos citros)
• Cinara atlantica (Pulgão do pinus)
• Bemisia tabaci (Mosca branca)
• Heterotermes tenuis (Cupim)
• Cornitermes cumulans (Cupim)
• Cornitermes bequaerti (Cupim do chifre)
• Syntermes molestus (Cupim de montículo)
• Oncometopia facialis (Cigarrinha)
• Empoasca kraemeri (Cigarrinha verde)
• Thrips palmi (Tripes)
• Frankliniella schultzei (Tripes)
• Thrips tabaci (Tripes do fumo)
• Phyllocnistis citrella (Minadora das folhas)
• Leptocybe invasa (Vespa-da-galha)
• Diabrotica speciosa (Vaquinha verde amarela)
• Faustinus cubae (Broca do fumo)

O protocolo SAFE PLANTS® deve ser usado em duas etapas.

A primeira para exterminar os insetos vivos das plantas atacadas e proteger as plantas de novas infestações.
Misture uma grama do SAFE PLANTS® Sistêmico e três gramas de SAFE PLANTS® Sílica para cada litro de água utilizado.

Pulverize ou irrigue sua planta atacada com essa mistura.
Os insetos serão exterminados nos primeiros 15 minutos de aplicação.
Repita o processo após sete dias.

A segunda etapa serve para inibir a volta dos insetos indesejados e limpar a planta das últimas infestações.
Lave a planta ou irrigue a mesma com água mais Três gramas de SAFE PLANTS® Sílica.
Isso vai ajudar a inibir novos ataques de insetos e a retirar os insetos mortos de suas folhas.

Repita esse processo a cada 30 dias e garanta o fim dos insetos em suas plantas.

Baixe aqui o Manual de Aplicação

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